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            當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)泰安工地電梯門(mén)套:電梯門(mén)套的故障及處理方法


            來(lái)源:http://www.alwazecleancleaningservice.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2024-05-16

              我們的日常生活中,電梯門(mén)套和門(mén)框這兩種附屬于電梯和門(mén)的產(chǎn)品還是非常常見(jiàn)的。其中的門(mén)套在制作過(guò)程中可以選擇的材質(zhì)種類(lèi)有很多,常見(jiàn)的就有木質(zhì)、大理石、不銹鋼等,常見(jiàn)的可能發(fā)生的故障類(lèi)型也有很多,下面我們來(lái)了解一下它經(jīng)常會(huì )出現的幾種故障吧。

            In our daily life, elevator door frames and door frames, which are two types of products attached to elevators and doors, are still very common. There are many types of materials to choose from during the production process of the door frame, including wood, marble, stainless steel, etc. There are also many common types of faults that may occur. Let's take a look at several common faults that may occur.


            1. The shaking sound during the operation of the hall door


            Reason: ① Block like lumps formed by dust on the guide rail of the door sill; ② There are foreign objects inside the trench, such as decoration materials, household waste, etc.


            Solution: Use fine sandpaper to polish the door guide rail, remove dirt, and scrub with a kerosene cloth to make the door guide rail clean and smooth. Remove foreign objects from the sill groove.


            2. There is a collision sound when opening or closing the door completely


            Reason: ① The installation of the upper ridge is skewed; ② The installation of the hall door sight guard is skewed or the distance is too small; ③ The hall door or side pillars are not covered with anti-collision rubber.



            Solution: Adjust the upper ridge to be on the same centerline as the ground cut, adjust the verticality and distance of the hall door as the boundary protection plate, and apply anti-collision rubber blocks to the hall door and side pillars.


            3. The hall door makes a "clang" sound when opened


            Reason: ① The hook lock of the hall door is not level; ② The gap between the hook lock and the lock box is too small; ③ The gap between the car door opener and the hook locking wheel is too large; ④ The door opener starts opening too quickly.


            Solution: Adjust the levelness of the hook lock and the hook lock spring, adjust the gap between the hook lock and the lock box, reduce the starting speed of opening the door, and make the door opener fully open the hook lock before accelerating the operation.


            4. When the hall door is about to close, it makes a clanging sound


            Reason: ① The gap between the door opener and the hook lock wheel is too large, causing the hall door to detach the door opener too early; ② The speed of the door opening mechanism is too fast.


            Solution: Adjust the gap between the door opener and the hook locking wheel, and adjust the distance between the hook locking wheel so that the door opener can fully contain the hook locking wheel. Adjust the closing speed or torque to be lower.

            本文由 泰安工地電梯門(mén)套 為您精心提供,如想了解更多請點(diǎn)擊我們的網(wǎng)站: http://www.alwazecleancleaningservice.com,我們將會(huì )以的熱情為您解答!

            This article is carefully provided by the elevator door frame of Tai'an construction site. If you want to learn more, please click on our website: http://www.alwazecleancleaningservice.com We will answer you with the greatest enthusiasm!

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